Wednesday, July 11, 2007

i think i'll start over.


Talk about releasing stress.

So the original plan was for Zhen and I to go watch Harry Potter today. Then it evolved into Zhen, Hang, David, Hameer and I. Then Nique jumped aboard. Then David couldn't come so Ieka took his ticket. And Hang couldn't come so Elena took hers. But then Ieka said she couldn't come so Bree took her ticket and Elena said she'll only take the ticket if I can't give it off to someone else. Then Bree couldn't make it so I was left with two extra tickets.

Then at night I asked Kim to come along but he said he couldn't so Elena said she'll come and Vid took the other ticket which solved my problem temporarily though I was itching to ask someone else to come watch the movie just because I felt in need of his company. But I didn't which I kinda regret now cause I reallyreallyreally miss his company. So it was settled - Zhen, Meer, Vid, Elena, Nique and I.

Or so we thought, cause Vid smsed in the morning saying she can't make it which meant I was left with another ticket. I tried calling a bunch of people only to come to several dead ends. Zhen told me to ask BelleAznamMiriamandIdon'tknowwhoelsecauseshewasthrowingnamesabout. Then Belle could have taken the ticket but she couldn't so Elena said Esther might want it so I told Zhen to ask Basil but she didn't. and then during tuition, Elena asked Esther to call which she did and that was great but then Meer called to say he couldn't come so I was still left with an extra ticket.

If you read all of that, you've succesfully wasted about 48 seconds of your life. Anyway, Ju Beng came in the end and completed the ZhenEstherNiqueJueElena circle.

Despite objections from my friends, I reread the fifth book before the movie, not to compare but it was just fun noting the differences between the book and the movie (just because I'm a HP geek). I was watching the movie just as a movie and it wasn't that bad really. In fact, I pretty much enjoyed it but I'm guessing that's partially because of the company.

As we walked into the cinema, Elena proudly told the whole cinema, "BUT THEN SIRIUS DIES LA RIGHT?". Or something along those lines. Haha.

I actually think we were pretty quiet during the entire movie with the minor exceptions of our jakun moments. Like when I started clapping when Fred&George left Hogwards and the people next to Nique started doing the same. Or all the disapproaving noises I made whenever Cho Chang/Hermione the Great came on screen. Although I was four seats down, I could still hear Zhen and all her laughing. I guess Nique and my earlier games of "Not It" as we were deciding who to sit next to didn't really work. Haha.

I think the young James looks more like Cedric Diggory. I think CharlieAndTheChocolateFactory's mum did very well as Bellatrix. I think there should been more of Draco Malfoy and Neville. I wish they mentioned Hermione&Ron as prefects. I think they should have made Padfoot a bigger dog (like the third movie). I think they shouldn't make Hermione so smart. I think Fred&George are as adorable as ever. I think Dumbledore shouldn't be running around so much. I think I'm very opinionated on this but I'm too much of a fan to not hate it.

Oh and Esther ate most of my share of the popcorn.

"Why would he kiss her? Like hello, she's chinese."
"Crap, she reminds me of Meredith."
"She looks like someone from Mainland China."

Okay I can't remember the other things we talked about. I think we succesfully annoyed Nique. I think the guy next to her who kept on going, "SHYTSHYTSHYT" during all the suspense annoyed Nique. Haha. But it was good la. I enjoyed it :). I like sitting next to EstherTheCokeStealer. (Yes I know it rhymes, I'm quite the talent).

Me : "Well Zhen's the tallest so she can be the dad."
Nique : "I think you just insulted Ju Beng."

And of course the day wouldn't be complete without camwhoring (in the toilet as well of course!) but we have to wait for Elena for that. Btw, GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR UNDANG! :). You better not fail the colour test man.

So yeah. Today was memorable. No complaints. Really.

"I think I'll go have some pudding."

jue*you are the greatest drug.

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