Tuesday, April 15, 2008

singing sweet home alabama.

Written months ago;

"just because you weren't good enough for him doesnt mean she isn't.
in fact, a lot of people feel that the mere rumour that you were crushing, just crushing on him makes him unworthy of her.

dear stickpole and osama,
don't hate the player, hate the game.
if you are so angry with the guy, then why hate the girl?
its seriously not her fault she's hotter, smarter and prettier than you are.
doesnt hurt that she's nicer than you are too.
to say that you're a less hot version of her would by far be the biggest compliment you will ever get in your wettest orgasms.
you know the saying pot calling the kettle black?
try charred kuali calling the stainless steel black.
yes dear, but i forget. you no understand me.

don't worry. there's a special place people like you can go to - in hell.

so take my advice, don't worry i'm very smart - i know exactly what you should do.

osama, take stickpoleslashnegativegradient and crumple her, stuff her next to osama, don't worry looks like theres still plenty of space left, and go throw yourself under the next bus and be thankful we only throw ONE party to celebrate.


i really have to thank the bb guys for giving us your nicknames.
they're real genii sometimes y'know?"


This is why I love that bitch.
&don't you ever doubt that.


ieka zazili said...

you definitely owe me stories.

Adrian Lim Yih Yau said...

this is by far the angriest post ive read online so far.

Manju > All

< / 3 haha :)

etsy said...

have i mentioned i love your blog?

taty said...

ooh i rmbr this
hehe! ;p

Jules. said...

adrian; for the last time, i didn't write this. jesus.

elena; you better babi!

taty; haha, why, how could you forget?