Monday, November 3, 2008

to fill or burst.

My left shoulder and wrist is starting to act up. It's weird because it's been three whole years since that somewhat minor injury and yet I still can't exert too much pressure on it. I feel crippled >: (. Anyhoo, I figured this is probably just the result of a new (insane) regime I've started.

So daddy dearest helped apply some deep heat because seriously, the pain was (to put it mildly) - excruciating.

What struck me was how just the smell of the deep heat itself could send me on a trip down memory lane. The stadium, the boy dramas and flings, the roti pisang, the starter gun and most of all, the adrenalin that flowed through every inch of your body just as you approach the line and placed your feet on the starter blocks.

There's just nothing like that in college anymore. Nothing that can even come close.

I miss it all, I do - the sights, the sounds, the people.


Amira said...

sayang, i completely understand =)

Jules. said...

jesus, woman, where have you been? >:(

(apart from being miles away studying you ass off in the simple course we call mediicne)

you're missed la.

we had good times, kan? mr. mssd all (:

the prodigal daughter said...

julie, i think we all miss it :) but at least we got it. and boy was it good ;)-riyana

Jules. said...

eh, riyana!
yes, i suppose you have a point there.
and as all seniors would say, our years were the awesome-est of all (: