I usually blog in Malay whenever our Independance Day comes around, but I guess this year will be slightly different since I know more adjectives in English. (LOL)
I'm lucky enough to be born in the generation after our country reached independance so the hardship the nation had to go through before that is barely known to me, spare the stories from the older ones and a few pages in the textbook. But I do believe that we need not go through such painful times to be thankful for our (hopefully) progressing country.
I am proud to be Malaysian; with every lah, Ramly Burger, 24-hour mamak stall, nasi lemak, pulled tea, idiot drivers, brainless politicians, dirty toilets and macha wannabes.
My last Merdeka celebration in school. Funny, to say the least.
Oh, and why do I need so many adjectives you ask?
Because I spent my Merdeka eve at Putrajaya and the fireworks were nothing short of amazing. Sure, the five hour wait was bloody awful, but I suppose the fireworks made up for it, though a little anti-climatic. Adam would know how much I love fireworks (if he remembers our conversations) so this was definitely a treat :).
And just for the twin,
More videos when I have the time.
jue*you're on the right path but you're going the wrong way.
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