Monday, May 21, 2007

i know things get worse before the get better...

in·com·pe·tent /ɪnˈkɒmpɪtənt/ [in-kom-pi-tuhnt]
1. not competent; lacking qualification or ability; incapable: an incompetent candidate.
2. characterized by or showing incompetence: His incompetent acting ruined the play.

3. an incompetent person; a mentally deficient person.

If you're really not smart enough to follow simple instructions that have been printed AND explained to you, then you're really not smart enough to be holding such a highly regarded post in any club, society or uniform body. Seriously, which part of 'Please burn two activity pictures onto a CD' did you not understand?

I swear, if I had enough time on my hands, I would be worrying how the fuck you're gonna survive in the working world.

jue*...but this is a worse that feels too big.

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