Okay, so there's a lot to blog about la. And I'm feeling damn lot of mixed emotions now which makes me want to rant. But I shall post up pictures instead. Cause I've been surpised a lot lately, and it surprised me I had as much fun as I did with the girls even though they weren't all my closestclosestclosest buddies. If they even exist.
Mei's Birthday; 17th March 2007.
I have to admit, I've never been to Hartamas during the day. Well, not unless it's to CatWhiskers. But seriously, the place is so quiet in the day. Despite some mix up with the meeting places at first, we ended up at Modesto's where we (sinfully) indulged in good good food :). Because we're oh-so-special, we were allowed to dine in the restaurant even though it was past their closing time. Who can deny a group of gorgeous girls? (Miriam, don't answer that).
Anyway, after lunch, we headed over to Coffee Bean for some girly talk and later on found ourselves at CatWhiskers. Haha :). It was just too tempting. And dammit, they're having a sale! Must-find-way-to-go. And the cash. The girls hitched a ride back with Mei leaving Mimz and I back. We weren't all that worried at first; the clothes make you forget about reality. Seriously. But soon after, we were like ohshytohshytohshyt.
So we decided to use Miriam's charm on Ming to fetch us back home, but it can't really be considered charm since there wasn't any to convince him to choose us over cartoons. Yes, we were left to get raped in Hartamas (so what if it was broad daylight) because a certain someone chose cartoons over US. Like ohmygodwhatthefuck.
But we found out way back anyways :). Haha. And obviously I didn't get raped if not I wouldn't be so happy typing out this post. Oh well. Let the pictures do the talking. Enjoy :).
Nique, Mimz and I waiting for the others.
Miriam says she's shy. We don't buy it.
Hana Bambimbo.
Sinful indulgence. But it tasted so freaking good.
Mimz, Sherrie and me.
One blow job please ;).
@Coffee Bean.
And last but definitely not least, the birthday girl. Happy Seventeenth Koh Su Mei :).
jue*and we, can be happy can't you see?
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