Thursday, November 23, 2006

life is a party, so we might as well dance.

Due to my lovely friends who take their own sweet time to send pictures I desperately need, here is a very very overdue post. Take it as a crash course of events. Enjoy :).

Nique's bday; 10th September 2006

Babi Sleepover; 25th-26th October 2006

Of walking in the rain, mamak sessions, late night early morning talks, alcohol gone bad, boyfriends, Sepet, McDeez, movies, prank IMs, domesticating, last minute OU trips and surprise birthdays. Definately a sleepover to remember. I still can't believe everyone in queue sang Hang a birthday song. Haha.

Amazing Race; 28th October 2006

To be honest, I was dreading this day. More than once did I mentally slap myself for signing up. My closest friends weren't going and everyone knows I'm not completely over the whole BOD thing. But I was determined to be a chicken, and got my butt up early in the morning for the race. It was fun walking in the rain, puddle jumping, sneaking out to Bangsar only to get stuck in a traffic jam that made me have a fit. Nothing is perfect though, I just choose to remember the good memories.

Form 5 Graduation Night; 3rd November 2006

Held at KGNS, Ieka&I got conned into becoming the emcees for the night. Didn't turn out all that bad though - according to the teachers - but they were kinda obligated to shower us with compliments considering my parents were there. Anyhoo, it was nice to see the seniors (and us of course) all dressed up and b-e-a-u-tiful in their graduation robes, but then again, to think it's less than a year that we would be in those robes saying our goodbyes to our high school year. Hm. We'll see how it goes when it happens.

Faris's Open House & Nique's Sleepover; 4th-5th November 2006

Class party; 9th November 2006

Ieka's Open House; 11th November 2006

Interact Open House; 12th November 2006

Nique's Belated Birthday Party; 19th November 2006

Eventhough her birthday was dinosour years ago, Nique finally decided to get her lazy butt up and plan a party (I've known you for ages, I'm allowed to say things like this). And thanks to her (awesome!) friend a.k.a ME, she decided to follow my idea to serve mocktails (no alco, haven't you met Nique before?). Quote the birthday girl herself, "We're going to mock the cocks!". So anyway, I went there early to help her prepare and I've got to say that Aunty Marge went out of her way to make the We did the usual preparty stuff and soon, people started coming. Obviously the guys were first (so they have more time to eat free food) and Jil&I unusually greeted Kim (and his mum) by running out of the house like hooligans towards Jil's place. It was unintentional laa :).

JilNiqueElena&I got ready together-gether in her room as we slipped on our dresses and got pretty-fied. The party turned out pretty okay with the guys having their first Shirley Temples only to find out its a girl's drink, and tons of helium balloon fun. Annie, you're going on YouTube soon! Hehe :). And of course we couldn't miss One Tree Hill, so a couple of us girls huddled around the TV not allowing the guys to watch their beloved football match. Hm, I wonder when the next party is going to be :).

jue*you're just jealous because we're young and in love.

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