Friday, November 17, 2006

i guess we never really moved on.

Our "carefree" Form Four life ended today. We're looking at a whole lot of revision books, tuition classes and endless naggings and lectures from anyone who would bother next year. I wouldn't say today ended with a bang. We found out our Form Five classes. It's 5SA for me once again, along with Ieka, Sarah, Hema, Zhen, Elena, Shal, Nique, Hang and Esther. That's good I suppose, minus the fact my deskmate has been moved to 5SC. Aside from sneaking Elena into the PR, I spent most of the day reading alone at different places around school - just because I felt like it. Yupp, alone time. Quite nice actually.

"I felt something catch in my throat, a sudden surge of sadness that caught me unaware, almost taking my breath away. That was the thing. You never got used to it, the idea of someone being gone. Just when you think it's reconciled, accepted, someone points it out to you and it just hits you all over again, that shocking."

It's been a 100 days since you've left us to join the angels above. And I still haven't gone a day without thinking about you. You're still deeply missed and the memories won't stop creeping up. I guess it's alright really, I don't know, maybe in some twisted sort of way.

jue*but with death there were no exceptions. gone meant gone.

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