Tuesday, November 28, 2006

greetings from guildford :).

Oh gosh, the transit seemed like ages. Note to self : Never agree to a transit flight EVER again. Due to the overbooked-ness of flights, we had to wait six freaking hours and its not like there's much to see at the airport anyway. Out of the total four meals served during both flights, I only ate half just because I felt like it. Slept most of the way on the second flight too.

Anyhoo, upon arrival at Heathrow Airport, Uncle Gnanasekaran picked us up as we're staying in his place in Guildford until tomorrow. Just a little family history - Uncle Gnanasekaran is my daddy's cousin and he's the only uncle I actually call uncle because well, he's quite British. He btw is Arit's mum's brother and was the one who told the both of us we were related. Look how well that turned out. Haha. He has two sons Kishen and Aron who are pretty good looking. Too bad we're related.

So we arrived safely in Guildford at around 4 and I spent the rest of the evening lazing around. Watched some TV, unpacked and help made dinner. I fell asleep by 9.00 and woke up to a rainy morning twelve hours later.

The weather today has been fairly pleasant despite the morning rain. It's not extremely cold and the sun is out so it was a good day to walk. And that's exactly what we did. We're staying at Queen Eleanor's Road in Oslow Village so it's about a 15 minute walk. We basically just walked wherever our legs brought us - Marks&Spencers, some shopping mall (excuse my short term memory) all located on or near Guildford's Famous High Street.

We also visited Guildford's Castle Grounds, St.Mary's Church, Guildford War Memorial, Guildford Hospital (which isn't really a hospital, it's sort of like an Old Folks Home except fancier) and Guildford Museum. Pretty impressive considering we were only out for four hours. There's one thing I like about walking - bloody cute blonde guys. Okay, I think I should stop dreaming.

To all the shopaholics, the clothes from most brands here are slightly cheaper. Seriously. Think Topshop, Roxy, and all that nonsense. But I was a good girl and didn't buy anything although Belle's reminder to buy bras kept on popping in my head in Marks&Spencers. Hehe ;).

We did some grocery before heading back home and now well, we're home. It'll be getting dark in an hour or so, so I guess I should go pack for tomorrow. My sister's convocation is on the 30th, so we're heading off to Bristol tomorrow morning. Taking a bus I think. Pictures from today would be up just as soon as I find the time.

Take care loves! Toodles! :).

jue*i'm not lazy, i'm just saving energy.

Monday, November 27, 2006

hello, good morning, how do you do?

Greetings from Dubai :).

The flight was alright though I slept most of the way. It felt so short but then again, it was only seven hours. In about another four, we'll be boarding the plane yet again for our flight to UK. Food wasn't half bad but as usual, I didn't have any appetite to eat. I only watched one and a half movies and some music videos which frankly is kinda...sad. But it's alright. My parents are asleep next to me as I use the wireless internet and stay connected with the world! Oh yes, I LOVE modern technology :D.

Ever since I was a little kid, I simply loved travelling. I love the airports, I love getting on the plane, I love looking out the window, I love the hot mat sallehs on board, I love annoying the stewardess by ordering tons of drinks and I love the free alco (okay, maybe not as a kid). Anyway, I guess I'm still a kid..well, kinda. Minus the boobs.

Oh and btw, I'm so marrying Superman. Yupp, first class sex baby :D.

jue*boys come and go like seasons.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

life is a party, so we might as well dance.

Due to my lovely friends who take their own sweet time to send pictures I desperately need, here is a very very overdue post. Take it as a crash course of events. Enjoy :).

Nique's bday; 10th September 2006

Babi Sleepover; 25th-26th October 2006

Of walking in the rain, mamak sessions, late night early morning talks, alcohol gone bad, boyfriends, Sepet, McDeez, movies, prank IMs, domesticating, last minute OU trips and surprise birthdays. Definately a sleepover to remember. I still can't believe everyone in queue sang Hang a birthday song. Haha.

Amazing Race; 28th October 2006

To be honest, I was dreading this day. More than once did I mentally slap myself for signing up. My closest friends weren't going and everyone knows I'm not completely over the whole BOD thing. But I was determined to be a chicken, and got my butt up early in the morning for the race. It was fun walking in the rain, puddle jumping, sneaking out to Bangsar only to get stuck in a traffic jam that made me have a fit. Nothing is perfect though, I just choose to remember the good memories.

Form 5 Graduation Night; 3rd November 2006

Held at KGNS, Ieka&I got conned into becoming the emcees for the night. Didn't turn out all that bad though - according to the teachers - but they were kinda obligated to shower us with compliments considering my parents were there. Anyhoo, it was nice to see the seniors (and us of course) all dressed up and b-e-a-u-tiful in their graduation robes, but then again, to think it's less than a year that we would be in those robes saying our goodbyes to our high school year. Hm. We'll see how it goes when it happens.

Faris's Open House & Nique's Sleepover; 4th-5th November 2006

Class party; 9th November 2006

Ieka's Open House; 11th November 2006

Interact Open House; 12th November 2006

Nique's Belated Birthday Party; 19th November 2006

Eventhough her birthday was dinosour years ago, Nique finally decided to get her lazy butt up and plan a party (I've known you for ages, I'm allowed to say things like this). And thanks to her (awesome!) friend a.k.a ME, she decided to follow my idea to serve mocktails (no alco, haven't you met Nique before?). Quote the birthday girl herself, "We're going to mock the cocks!". So anyway, I went there early to help her prepare and I've got to say that Aunty Marge went out of her way to make the super...pink. We did the usual preparty stuff and soon, people started coming. Obviously the guys were first (so they have more time to eat free food) and Jil&I unusually greeted Kim (and his mum) by running out of the house like hooligans towards Jil's place. It was unintentional laa :).

JilNiqueElena&I got ready together-gether in her room as we slipped on our dresses and got pretty-fied. The party turned out pretty okay with the guys having their first Shirley Temples only to find out its a girl's drink, and tons of helium balloon fun. Annie, you're going on YouTube soon! Hehe :). And of course we couldn't miss One Tree Hill, so a couple of us girls huddled around the TV not allowing the guys to watch their beloved football match. Hm, I wonder when the next party is going to be :).

jue*you're just jealous because we're young and in love.

Friday, November 17, 2006

i guess we never really moved on.

Our "carefree" Form Four life ended today. We're looking at a whole lot of revision books, tuition classes and endless naggings and lectures from anyone who would bother next year. I wouldn't say today ended with a bang. We found out our Form Five classes. It's 5SA for me once again, along with Ieka, Sarah, Hema, Zhen, Elena, Shal, Nique, Hang and Esther. That's good I suppose, minus the fact my deskmate has been moved to 5SC. Aside from sneaking Elena into the PR, I spent most of the day reading alone at different places around school - just because I felt like it. Yupp, alone time. Quite nice actually.

"I felt something catch in my throat, a sudden surge of sadness that caught me unaware, almost taking my breath away. That was the thing. You never got used to it, the idea of someone being gone. Just when you think it's reconciled, accepted, someone points it out to you and it just hits you all over again, that shocking."

It's been a 100 days since you've left us to join the angels above. And I still haven't gone a day without thinking about you. You're still deeply missed and the memories won't stop creeping up. I guess it's alright really, I don't know, maybe in some twisted sort of way.

jue*but with death there were no exceptions. gone meant gone.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

now tell me what you've been dreaming of.

We had guests over last night, so my parents decided to do the unthinkable - make my brother sleep in my room. At first I was like pretty bumbed cause I'm a spoilt brat who doesn't like sharing her room because heck, it's MY space. And with someone else sleeping there, it meant no middle of the night early morning phonecalls, no sleeping the way I like to and definately no control over the aircond timer. But then I stopped stomping my foot around and my mental whinning and welcomed my brother to my room out of sisterly love.

To me, the best thing about not having expectations is that the good things that actually do happen totally take you by suprise. Instead of arguing the night away, my brother (albeit reluctantly) dragged his silly ass to my room. After jumping on my bed, tugging at my comforters and stealing my teddies, he made himself comfortable on the other bed and created stories about me and my "boyfriend" to amuse himself. Then we threw pillows at each other from bed to bed, challenged who's torchlight was brighter (am I the only one thinking dirty about that sentence?), and I started disturbing him on his bed. Of course the night ended with him hugging me so I would leave him alone to sleep.

Ah, yes. Somewhere deep down inside I do love my brother despite him not showering me with birthday gifts and constantly annoying the life out of me. I would find a not so flattering picture of him to post up but this (veryverystupid) headache is killing me so maybe another time eyh? Sorry to all the Mogan worshippers who stalk my blog :).

On a totally different note, we had our class party today and despite the poor turn up *coughBELLEcough*, it turned out pretty okay. At one point, I walked up the stairs to find the teachers sitting in my class enjoying out food and when I walked down the corridor, I found my 'friends' dancing to YMCA. Weird much. Haha :).

Randomness : I was reading my archives@purplemascara and I was quite a happy child last time (read: last year). And it showed in my posts. Either that or I'm just that good at faking happy posts, I even fooled myself.

Btw, it's been three months. Two and a half guesses to what. I still miss you darl. *click*

"Well, I really wish I could say more or something Manju, but I didn't know him, so it's hard for me to share something about him that may offer some comfort of any kind. But you know, these things happen, I guess and he's probably in a better place now, looking down upon us and smiling. And I think most of all, although I don't even know him, I don't think he would like you being sad, especially if you were being sad because of him."

And that's all I wanted needed to hear. Thank you.

jue*you drove away from my car crash of a heart.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

with every great love comes a great story.

I walked down the steps, taking a right at the corner classrooms before I heard it. The beginning beats were so familiar, the words echoed in my mind like that little voice in my head. I couldn't decide if I was imagining the tunes or the orchestra nearby had decided to perform this one hit wonder. All I did know was that I started running, running away from everything, running away from that noise that just seemed to get louder and louder. And at that point, I lost it.

jue*you're just about my everything.