So much to do (as one of my widgets clearly proves) and yet so little time. Hence why there's only a couple of things crossed off the list. Oh well.
12th June 2008;
I swear, I l-o-l-o-l-o-l-o-v-e the holidays. More time to be spent with the best friend. Way too much drama can happen in six days. Went over to her place where we spent a good half hour deciding where to go. From plans to head over to AC to Pyramid to god-knows-where-else, nothing could be decided on because boys are seriously indecisive. So, we decided to detach ourselves from the pack and head over to OU for lunch at Chilli's, just because I was craving the beef bacon burger (:
Since there was nothing else we wanted to do in OU, we got back into the car and drove all the way to Jalan Athinapan 2 to pick up Aqil. Drove to Rasta, parked, sat in the car for a good minute then drove back out because we didn't want to be their second customer of the day. Granted it was four in the afternoon la. So we went to Decanter instead.

Plenty of chit chat and photo taking through out the hour we were there. Had to pick up Aqil's sister from tuition, you see. So Nique drove and drove till we came to that lady's tuition place whom btw, is not cooler than Mr. Cheen. No one is cooler than Mr. Cheen. Continued with more photo taking in the car where Aqil claimed to be a 10 year old boy.

Quote of the day, "It's BANANA!".
Heh, inside joke.
13th June 2008; Okay, so maybe I do see Nique a little too much. Based on your standards, that is. I think I don't see her enough. So I headed over to Nique's place yet again for my daily dosage of best friend-ness. Spent awhile working out a plan for the day since well, I love plans. Searched for the car keys and off we went for lunch at Starbucks. I wonder why we never head off to cheap places.
We updated ourselves on an hour worth of stories before we went off to Pavilion. The two of us took the train, believe it or not. And no, it was not my first time thankyouverymuch.

I was standing in the toilet for god-knows-how-long cause I really needed to pee but Belle was telling me stories over the phone. Walked around the streets of KL&Pavilion like we planned before meeting with...Aqil. Walked around in search of a father's day gift for Mr. Aqil's Dad but he got distracted with the men's section of Forever 21. Oh, Aqil has just as many stories as I do. Now that's scary.

I think the three of us should find new friends.
I liked it how it was seven in the evening and yet so bright.We then proceeded to Hard Rock Cafe since plans to go there previously got canceled. I haven't been there since Bangkok last year, so to say I've been craving it is truly an understatement. But Nique&I were still so full from Starbucks, so we shared pasta - which was still so humongous. We entertained ourselves by playing IQ games that Aqil could barely figure out. Then we played that "Seven" game where I kept on bursting out in laughter for no apparent reason. Maybe because it reminded me of you.

And then Julian joint us after awhile.

Headed home pretty early considering it was a Friday night in KL. Julian kept on telling us stories on rapes and drug addicts that were supposedly lurking around the road back to the train station. But we managed to get home safe and sound. Yeay us! (:

14th June 2008;
Today marked our last official event in school. Yes,
school. Seems like a distant memory, no? Managed to drag myself out of bed at some ungodly hour despite only having four hours of sleep. Talk about eye bags. Slipped on my brand new baju kebaya which was tailored for this particular event because I do not own formal decent clothes. I rather tailor something than to have to wear those spare baju kurung(s) they keep in one of the classrooms for "indecently dressed" ex-students.

I was reminded today on how much I
hate certain teachers. I'm pretty sure one of them heard me bitching about her to my friend sitting in front of me. Oh well, not like I ever have to see her face again. Like can you sense the bitterness?
But it was good stepping foot on familiar ground again. There's just something about knowing where everything is, how your legs just walk without your mind having to tell them where to go. And seeing almost everyone was pretty damn good too, catching up on where everyone has been for the past six months.

Putting that aside though, I think today's MPPH was probably the most boring one I've ever been to. Maybe it's because I couldn't pretend I had some urgent prefect-y duty to do and run off to hide in the Prefect Room or that I couldn't just go for my award and leave for an Interact event afterwards.

*shrug* Actual height difference.
Everyone dispersed after countless photo sessions. The plan for us all to have lunch together failed...miserably. In the end, Ieka, Zhen and I were the only ones left together so we headed off to OU for a quick bite. I emphasize the word quick.
Rushed back home to get ready for my weekend at Ipoh for my cousin's "coming of age" ceremony in Ipoh. Sure, it's a few years late but it was necessary for her to have one to graduate from dance -or so her teacher says.
I don't have many pictures from my camera because I was made to do some bridesmaid-like duties. Seriously.

See, I really am (half) an Indian!

My dad was really quite happy playing with this kid. Eek.

I just realised I wore a cheongsam last week and then a kebaya and saree today. Multicultural, baby (:
It was fun having the family all back together over one weekend, the thirteen of us under one roof. But trust me, one weekend was enough to last me until Deepavali.
Oh, and the nasi ganja I had the next day for lunch was oh-so-good.
17th June 2008;
I procrastinated having this lunch since forever due to clashing time tables. But since the majority of us are on break, the usual group of girls headed out to D'Italliane Kitchen for lunch.
May I add that it's not very polite to come for a lunch an hour late? I wasn't being pms-y. I just find it plain rude to keep people waiting for that long. Time management, people. You're lucky you're my friends!
So while waiting for all of them, Nique&I drooled through the menu, flipping the same pages over and over again just looking at everything that was so good to eat.
Beef stuffed with cheese.
Aishah was the first to arrive despite being thirty minutes late. Everyone else eventually arrived so we wasted not a minute more to talk about almost everything under the sun. And that also tak cukup. I still haven't updated Ieka and Sarah on you-know-who stories!

Girls being girls, we then went outside to take close to a million pictures before finally parting ways. Oh, and for the record, I hate Jaya 33 parking which totally conned my money. But whatever.
Just to annoy Zhen (:

Na came straight from class at UM. Hence, the baju kurung.

Went over to AC to meet up with Annie and Lingesh since Kim (unfortunately) had to go back home. Vid came with a friend afterwards for a quick hello(insert stories here)goodbye.

Remind me never to visit Vid at AC again. It's just bad luck (:
19th June 2008;
Yesterday's arguments lead to a very bitter morning. I finally finished my father's day gift and left it on my dad's bed while I go for yet another piano class. I placed a little post-it on it saying "Thanks for 'understanding' ". I'm pretty sure my dad didn't understand the inverted commas because he came to me all grateful and stuff. I admit, that did make me feel guilty for awhile, but then he continued on telling me how I could have improved the gift I spent hours on. Gee, thanks dad.
Well, apparently nothing has changed considering it's a Thursday night and I'm not at Bar Celona with the usuals.
Heh, what to do?