Saturday, December 22, 2007

the devils in your kiss.

My Thursday,

We got the whole tour (twice! -though the one from David was just pathetic -_-) and free cupcakes :). And I simply love asking Adlan questions like, "So what if three people want to watch the movie?" and "What does the patterns on the carpet mean?"

My Friday,

Goodness, how I love these people to tiny Oreo bits.

I've been so caught up trying to cover every event that has been happening around me that I've slackened in writing posts that actually mean something. Posts that actually reflect my well being, my state of mind or my actual emotions.

It's no secret that I'm a perfectionist. And sometimes I think that it's less of a blessing than a myself.

Oh well, we'll (I'll) survive.

jue*but it's you I've fallen into.

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