There's so many things that I could say about you but I choose to keep them to myself. I don't need words to express how much our friendship means to me. Some things are better left unsaid, or so I have been told. I don't need black and white documents or countless pictures to prove that we've been through a lot together and there's still so much for the both of us out there.
My style might have changed, my behavior might have changed (less mood swings, heh), my believes might have changed and even my group of friends might have changed. You put up with e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g I throw at you, sometimes with a little complaining, sometimes with a few arguments, but you're my constant and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you always will be.
Thank you for being there - through all my bitch fits, my mood swings, my boys, my phases, my cravings, my obsessive compulsiveness, my everyday life.
Happy Birthday Lim Dominique Jo <3.
jue*we're standing still.
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