It's been the same routine almost everyday now. I go to bed after expected bad conversations telling myself that the next day would be a better one, that I don't have to talk to him if it makes me feel so bad because hey, why deliberately hurt myself when I know better? But I guess the mind's a complicated thing, cause without fail, I end up losing my self control and indulge in daily messages only to get hurt once more.
I'm pretty happy I've got truck loads of work to keep me busy with and since my mind has a tendency to go blank every time I switch to this browser, here's some shameless advertising.
Date : 23rd June 2007
(I know it clashes with cheer. I've already thrown my hissy fit)
Time : 10.00 am onwards
Coupons : RM 10.00 a booklet, and whaddya know, I have some up for sale :).
Date : 23rd June 2007
Time : 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Place : Sri Aman School Hall
Ticket price : RM 25 & RM 35
Featuring guest performances, local talent and even Charles from WhatAGirlWants :).
And yes, I do have tickets too.
I met Jude yesterday in school. It was nice seeing him after so long, and just talking to him without the immense pressure of having to impress him with well executed tumbling and perfect stunts. Today, Hana&I dropped by to watch the cheerleaders practice after our meeting. Our jaws practically dropped when we saw the stunts they've managed to learn and perfect. I'm uberly excited for next weekend where I'll get to watch them perform in their supercantik uniforms. I'm jealous already. First time in two years without Joshua.
Anyway, it's gonna be a long day tomorrow with my jumping from one event to another, so I guess I better sign off now. And if you're really bored, here's a very late and very short entry on Sports Day.
Oh and Ieka,

We'll make it through...we always do.
jue*when all i wanna hear is your voice.
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