Thursday, June 28, 2007
let's play truth or dare...
since you've been gone.
I'm erasing every memory of you. I hope you're happy now.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
kiss the boys then make them cry.
Monday, June 25, 2007
this is what happens when you mess with love.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
and i wonder if it even makes a difference to cry.
boys and stars.
Friday, June 15, 2007
i never thought i'd need you there when i cry.
It's been the same routine almost everyday now. I go to bed after expected bad conversations telling myself that the next day would be a better one, that I don't have to talk to him if it makes me feel so bad because hey, why deliberately hurt myself when I know better? But I guess the mind's a complicated thing, cause without fail, I end up losing my self control and indulge in daily messages only to get hurt once more.
I'm pretty happy I've got truck loads of work to keep me busy with and since my mind has a tendency to go blank every time I switch to this browser, here's some shameless advertising.
Date : 23rd June 2007
(I know it clashes with cheer. I've already thrown my hissy fit)
Time : 10.00 am onwards
Coupons : RM 10.00 a booklet, and whaddya know, I have some up for sale :).
Date : 23rd June 2007
Time : 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Place : Sri Aman School Hall
Ticket price : RM 25 & RM 35
Featuring guest performances, local talent and even Charles from WhatAGirlWants :).
And yes, I do have tickets too.
I met Jude yesterday in school. It was nice seeing him after so long, and just talking to him without the immense pressure of having to impress him with well executed tumbling and perfect stunts. Today, Hana&I dropped by to watch the cheerleaders practice after our meeting. Our jaws practically dropped when we saw the stunts they've managed to learn and perfect. I'm uberly excited for next weekend where I'll get to watch them perform in their supercantik uniforms. I'm jealous already. First time in two years without Joshua.
Anyway, it's gonna be a long day tomorrow with my jumping from one event to another, so I guess I better sign off now. And if you're really bored, here's a very late and very short entry on Sports Day.
Oh and Ieka,

We'll make it through...we always do.
jue*when all i wanna hear is your voice.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
relax, take it easy.
2nd June - OU with IekaHanaSarahLexMeerAznamZai. Watched Shrek 3 where Meer mistakenly called Bambi, "Bimbo". Laughed uncontrollably not because the movie (which btw, failed to reach my expectations) was funny but just because Meer&Aznam were hilarious to watch. Lunch at Chilli's and what could have been dinner at Ms. Read's. Oh, and Aznam&I took a picture with Homer ;).
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
the morning after.
jue*light up, light up, as if you have a choice.
no, i won't wait forever.

Exactly a year ago, Muffy Popz were all the friends I needed.
Exactly a year ago, I was co-planning a party that wasn't even mine. A party that would soon lead to a series of other parties inspired by the whole bring-a-date-and-dress-up thing. I remember having the time of my life. I remember being high on oxygen. I remember spinning around in circles. I remember experiencing pure euphoria.
It's funny how so much can change within a year.
This year, we spent ElenaBanana's Sweet Seventeen with a (much) smaller group at Curve. I felt so disassociated from the whole thing cause I wasn't involved in the planning of anything neither have I actually spent good quality time with that stupid girl taking O Levels Elena in a mighty long time.
The morning started out with a little branch with Berlin and Kim. Berl&I met up first at Paddington House of Pancakes where the two of us indulged in some (I assume) very delicious pancakes which we could neither smell nor taste because of our cold. Kim came awhile later and it was just fun the three of us bickering talking about almost anything and everything. Plus, we had ice cream afterwards :).
You legal drivers, you.
Bid goodbye to those two and met up with NiqueHanaMeiAdlanAnnieMarcia&Lex who were all waiting for the Goddess to settle the karaoke reservations. That's right people, we went for a karaoke session where we belted to our favourite tunes oblivious to our surroundings. Initially we were given a tiny room, so tiny that if I didn't know the people inside, I would have thought an orgy was happening inside. I mean with ElenaVidHangNiqueHanaMeiLexAnnieAdlanLingDavidMarciaBelleZhenEstherNoviaNicoleMagMimz and me, we just had to have had a bigger room, right? And like Vid said, screaming out lungs out to songs is really therapeutic. Especially when we did Bohemian Rhapsody. I still can't believe they didn't know the song.

In between, I met up with Muzzie who was being a real prick cause he kept on calling me out to follow him to run his errands. It was fun no doubt, squabbling like old times. After successfully decreasing our levels of neuroendocrine by watching Adlan sing, the remaining number of us left the room for that pool place I don't like. Not before Elena&I took a much needed walk down the boulevard quickly running through bitchings to erm, further reduce our neuroendocrine levels. Haha. Saw a couple of people on the way back to the pool place too :).
The rest of the evening seemed to have passed by in a blur. I know that I did spend time with him which is always good. Seven out of twelve days :).The whole bunch of us minus Ling, Nique, Mei, Hana, Marcia and Adlan had dinner at Tony Roma's just to extend the celebration a little longer. And since we found poor lonely Hameer on the way, he joined us too :). I still think we only managed to reserve the table cause I was dressed very erm, nicely. Dinner was fun. Lots of good food and the bottomless coke was an added bonus. It's just fun to have dinner parties, especially when you don't have to end up washing the plates. The birthday girl was even given free dessert (and balloons too). And the waiters were really nice and the service was good. If I were one of them, I would have just chucked the plates on the table and pretend to have not heard us calling every five seconds. Maybe that's why I don't work as a waitress. But then again, we did leave a big fat tip ;).

After a very filling dinner (and being forced fed mushrooms), the group slowly started to thin out so we decided to move our asses back to Lena's place for the sleepover. It took me about ten minutes after leaving Curve to crack and well, Berl would know how I felt. Despite getting approval from my dad, I wasn't allowed to sleepover at the end because Mummy's say always overpowers Daddy's. Bitchedbitchedbitched and DHABUUUUU-ed at Razreen. The Tia Maria was so wasted on Vid man. I like <3.>
So anyways, twelve and a half hours out of the house and I'm finally back home. Thoughts are starting to race through my head and I really don't know how to stop it. Maybe some sleep may do me some good.
Oh, and just in case I look ack at this post in a couple of years, I always want to remember that look on David's face when he gets super miang. It's hilarious man. Miang Man ;). Control Little Mogan laa. Haha. And you know, even if we spent all that time together today, I still feel like I haven't seen enough of you yet. We should make it eight days. Like seriously.
jue*all i want is to find an easier way to get out of our little heads.
Monday, June 4, 2007
one last kiss.
The pieces of my heart are missing you,
When you're gone,
The face I came to know is missing too,
When you're gone,
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok,
I miss you.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
we lie to ourselves so much that after awhile...
use me; show me the jacuzzi.
Friday, June 1, 2007
please look into my eyes and tell me that you love me...
For once, Sarah has struck the jackpot when it comes to relationship advice. Make the guy wait for too long, and he moves on.
It's surprising we ended up this way. It's surprising that after all those plans, all those words, all those promises and all those previous mistakes, we're just back at square one. The only difference is that this time you're not by my side anymore. You would think that after all that has happened last year, one of us would be smart enough to correct those mistakes but instead we've I've just fallen into a deeper hole.
And I tag : Nique, Elena, Mandy, Hang and Belle even though I practically know most of your stories.