Sunday, March 18, 2007

the weather today is slightly sarcastic.

"I learnt that nothing ever stays the same. That no matter how happy you might be, no matter how long you would like it last, someone is gonna come and step all over your dreams cause for them, its just another piece of dirt on the ground. And eventhough you try your best to look at the glass half full, things never turns out the way you want it too. People change. Things change. Try your best to hold on to it, but we all know what happens at the end. Never put your trust into one person. They might just use everything against you. Be careful who you mix with. Be careful what you do. Cause in this kind of society, every single step you take is being judged upon by some lifeless person. Sigh."

This was written on the 22nd of December two years ago. Despite what I wrote up there, it's funny how some things never change. It's sad to say I've lost all the trust I've put in other people. If only they didn't do what they did. But then again, that would make things perfect. And nothing is ever perfect.

jue*she keeps her secrets, tries to hide her past because everything lately has gone way too fast.


Anonymous said...

breathe in life and breathe out,
wipe the dust from your sweet smile and breathe in life


Anonymous said...

if only it was that easy.

Anonymous said...

you know what... i jus realised that my comment should have been here. =P haha. sry. well at least now u got two comments from me. =P haha.