Thursday, February 8, 2007

because of you i'm running out of reasons to cry.

All profit from the dance will be donated to the National Heart Foundation of Malaysian (Yayasan Jantung Malaysia). Interactors will also be selling raffle tickets at RM 5.00 each. Buy a manymany tickets (the more you buy, the higher your chances) and stand a chance to win a 30GB iPod video. Really :).

For further infomation, don't hesitate to leave a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Do your bit for charity. Afterall, it's only 20 bucks.

jue*pull the trigger and the nightmare stops.


Anonymous said...

i really don't mean to sound like some cow ass insensitive b**ch. it was a damn sweet post but babes, shouldn't it read 'he RAN a good race'?.

and um, that part in your conversation.. J : He was the first guy that tell me I can't have everything I want.

'he was the first guy that TOLD me I can't have everything I want'.

Anonymous said...

dear anonymous, thank you for being so kind to point out my grammatical errors but please, if you're really so eager to do so, then why hide under anonymous?

if you were able to see the actual picture, it does say he RAN a good race.

and about the convo, it was an honest typo error. i typed in that instead of to.

oh, and you commented on the wrong post btw.