Saturday, January 20, 2007

i used to do drugs. i still do, but i used to too.


Scenario 1 :
The girl admits she really likes you, enjoys spending time with you then gently kisses you.

Verdict : She likes you.

Scenario 2 :
Girl calls you obscene names and at every chance she gets she throws potentially injuring objects like fire axes at you.

Verdict : She's in denial. Pursue the relationship until she realises that she obviously likes you.

Scenario 3 :
You ask a friend of hers if she likes you. Her friend walks away laughing hysterically. You call her on the telephone that night to ask her what was so funny, but you don't hear her response because of the laughing. You then phone another friend; same response.

Verdict : Her friends don't like you, but she still does. Pursue!

Scenario 4 :
You write her a poem about what you would like to do to her. She shows it to her dad and he comes around and tries to beat you up.

Verdict : Her dad's overprotective of his daughter, especially when she talks about guys she likes! (which obviously must be you). The game is on!

Scenario 5 :
You're sitting around smoking with some friends one Friday night and this girl can't wait to get you drunk.

Verdict : Okay, the girl likes you. There's one problem : She's also probably ugly.

Scenario 6 :
The girl is dead.

Verdict : You might actually have a chance. Afterall, dead women never say no.

Haha :).
jue*a sip of heaven, a drop from paradise, a slice of sex.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'a sip of heaven, a drop from paradise, a slice of sex'

.... sounds familiar no?
