The year started out quite different from how things ended up at the end. I ushered in 2006 at Bangsar with Miriam, Foo Soon and David and Meer, Faye, Ieka, Zai, Kim, Aznam, David, Belle, Nique and Carmen.
As newbies in the upper secondary life, January was spent getting acquainted with our new privileges as ‘almost seniors’. Despite being placed in 4SB at first along with Miriam, Vanu and Davi, I was shifted (or more like dragged by the arm) to 4SA with Belle, Nique, Lena, Shal (Muffy Popz yo), Ieka, Aishah, Zhen, Sarah, Alisha, Hang, yadayadayada. Who knew being moved 2 metres away could change everything in terms of friends, bitchings, relationships and grades.
February marked the beginning of a new relationship. Well, 15th of February to be exact. “I know it’s a little late…” Of the phone calls, the messages, the kisses, the songs, the accidental colour coordination, the name calling, the differences. Mmhm, I loved every second of it. Good luck for PMR Isaiah Joshua Thomas :).
In March, I represented Kuning (semangat Jingga yo) in several events and managing to bag a gold for every event except for the jemputan thingie. Not our fault la kay (!).
May to August were the busiest months of the year with activities going on almost every week – although the lack of campfires kept my Saturday nights free (not like I would have wanted it that way). In May a bunch of us went to Trolak and the outcome was...unexpected. Honestly, I don’t regret not spending as much time with c3 as I could have because I made so many other friends out of my usual circle of friends and we all know lying on the tar road talking about life sessions with Amira Bee definitely cleared some things up.
Warren the Pope, Min Wai the Lazy Leng Chai, Amira B1 and I (B2 – yeah, we’re supposed to be like Bananas in Pyjamas) made up the Famous Four with occasional appearances from Faye (Ampun Tuanku but I forgot your pet name).
I’ll never forget the one night a couple of us dragged the mattresses out onto the road and ohmygosh, the STARS. It was impossible to count them all, I remember sitting out there on another night with someone else attempting to. Damn, I miss that.June marked the first sweet sixteen among the five of us and boy, did we celebrate it with a bang. The pre-party was well spent drinking (and occasionally eating) the night away at Souled Out. It’s been ages since I’ve been high on oxygen. Good times, good times.
And thanks to the idea of a genius (gee, I wonder who), Elena Teh Su Yin’s sweet sixteen birthday bash was filled with people so elegantly dressed up in shirts, suits, and dresses. One of the best parties I have ever been too. Plus, I co-planned it la. I slept over the night before and after the party but still fulfilled my duties as a cheerleader to attend practices the next morning. So what if I went to practice looking like a hooker with smudged make up? :)
Cheer practices started getting way hectic as the months progressed and the pressure was definitely on. We didn’t get the results we wanted but I guess everything is a learning experience. We did achieve a lot this year, just maybe not enough. But it’s okay. It was good to have him support me then. Getting an orange shirt and all :). And special thanks to Berl who made that board for me. I feel so special. It’s hanging on my room wall now.July was also the month we had Interact nominations and received our assignments. Even though I didn’t get what I wanted (or anything at all for that matter) and truthfully I have gotten over it…but that doesn’t mean I’m not bitter. At least I can proudly say my sleepless nights paid off because my assignments totally triumph over your
sad piece of work. Yeah, I’m damn proud of myself whether you like it or not. July was also Hari KeU and although I made a couple of mistakes later, it turned out alright. Matching shirts wei ;).
Anyway, August made us finally realise that school would be over in seven blinks. The seniors stepped down from their posts with smiles on their faces and ties being thrown in the air. We however, took on all the responsibility handed over to us like little kindergarten kids receiving sweets. Little did we know that with great responsibility...comes an awful increase in the usage of Panadol. I’m enjoying every minute of it though…well, except when Zhen makes me change my report like a zillion times so we can fake our actual statistics. Honesty is the best policy la Zhen.
Besides that, there was there’s Jon. Jonathan Bryon Gan. I think I’ve run out of adjectives to describe how amazing he is and how he has etched a little place in my heart. 9th of August now has a meaning – a day I would remember forever. I miss you dodol. And thanks to Holy Boyy for helping me through those rough weeks. I'll never forget what you said.As for the rest of school, exams came and exams went, and I think I did fairly well and thank heavens, I didn’t fail anything. I think I annoyed my Add Math teacher a.k.a tomato lady enough and heard enough about John/Sex/Love/Boysarestupid/Drugs/Smoking in moral class.
Sleepovers this year were not as planned as it has always been. In six seconds (literally) we would casually invite ourselves over to each others houses and totally forget about the sleep part in a sleepover. We would spend the night doing silly things like terrorizing the playgrounds at three in the morning and baking (fantastically good) gingerbread cookies. Once again, good times, good times.
And lets not forget the random moments.
I remembered what it felt like to work hard, like truly truly work hard and be absolutely proud of your work. I remembered that I have awesome friends.
And most of all I learnt to trust myself and my intuition because when I failed to do what my heart told me to, I ended up not being able to see a friend before his last breath. And this really made me learn that time just doesn’t wait for you no matter how long you wish it did.
I’m not happy nor am I sad that the year is ending. I’m happy to keep the memories behind me yet let it remind me that things aren’t always all that bad, it’s just how you choose to see it.
Cheers to the New Year! May you have an awesome year ahead.
jue*cause i'm waiting for tonight, been waiting for tomorrow.
heyy my flag photo !! =D and the 'back' one [=
2006 was CRAZY good man. Serious-fucking-ly. Best year ever.
reading archives?
2006 was a mixed year.
not complaining though :)
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