Monday, September 18, 2006

the leaves are brown and the sky is grey.

I've typed, canceled, retyped, canceled, typed, canceled and retyped again, only to come up with nothing but a whole bunch of gibberish. It's kinda funny to think that I could be at lost for words when I'm me.

Lunch with Superman (somehow that looks a lot like Spiderman) today was pretty nice. Except for the fact he refused (yes refused, just admit it) to fly there (or just hail a cab for goodness sakes) so we walked all the way to Jaya. I'm making it seem far so imagine this..AAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THE WAAAAAAYYYYY. On our two feet :(. Wasn't even in the mood to lose those extra flabs. But its cool :).

I think this post has got to be one of the lousiest post I've ever posted. Oh well. Just give me some time and (hopefully) I'll get my writing streak back. Cheers.

jue*just because he loves you, doesn't mean he'll take a bullet for you.

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