Wednesday, August 23, 2006

exchanging body heat in the backseat of a black jeep.

I've been pretty out of the blogging scene simply because blogspot was being a little pms-y on me. Like blogger, like blog, eyh? Oh well. And because I'm too lazy to go into detail of our so-called holiday (which really can't be called a holiday considering the amount of nonsensical work we have) so I'll pointlessly do this survey. Just to amuse you :).

Name 20 Random People
1. Lim Dominique Jo
2. Elena Teh Su Yin
3. Isabelle Yeow Shu Ling
4. Shalini Julia John
5. Ong Vern-Ming
6. Lim Wei Zhen
7. Isaiah Joshua Thomas
8. Dan Yeo Kim San (right? :S)
9. Kim Tjon Jeim
10. Nur Syafika Zazili
11. Miriam Tiong Mei Ern(ness)
12. Davinya Suresh
13. Chia Eu Jinn
14. Amira bt. Baharin
15. Isaak K. John
16. Lexandl Gan Yan Hien
17. Vidhya Raman
18. Anirwan Joshan Chowdhury
19. Lingesh Krishnan
20. Hana Syaswani bt. Johari

1. How did you meet 14?
Amira Bee – Through school. Form 2 Senior when I was just a little kid. Or maybe its because of my brother? *gaspeth*. HAHA. No regrets though. :)

2. What will you do if you never met 1?
Nique – OMG. I’d be missing one of by bestest best friends in the entire solar system. I won’t have a tuition partner, or my own personal advice machine. I won’t have a home to go across the street whenever I’m feeling bored. I wouldn’t have someone to jolt me back to reality whenever I get a little over my head. And most of all, Muffy Pops would be missing a finger collector.

3. What will you do if 20 and 9 dated?
Hana & Kim – Some people would get extremely jealous. Very weird pairing.

4. Did you ever like 19?
Lingesh ­– LMFAO.

5. Would 16 and 17 make a good couple?
Lex & Vid – Wait, who’s taller again? They would probably have a very quiet relationship. VERY quiet.

6. Describe 3.
Belle ­– My beloved tablemate. We drive each other up the wall. Not to say we’re total opposites, we just differ in thoughts a lot. She’s like this laughing hooligan and you know something’s up when she smiles at you and starts laughing. Sometimes she’s so clueless, but she handles bitches oh-so-well ;). Boy magnet since she was in diapers. Too bad she’s in love with Spiderman.

7. Say something about 7.
Joshua - ...

8. Do you know any of 12's family?
Davi – I know she has a younger brother, and obviously her mum and dad. Never met them before, though stories about them can be pretty interesting. ;p

9. What is 3's favourite?
Belle – My egoistic self would like to say me but I’ve a feeling the what has to change to a who and it’ll be someone with the name Isaac? :)

10. Who is 9 going out with?
Kim ­– I’ll get back to you on this one.

11. How old is 16 now?
Lex – 16 years and 2 months-ish.

12. When was the last time you talked to 13?
Jinn ­– Omg, its been ages since we’ve had a proper conversation because someone is just too occupied with SPM. That’s more important larh horh? -_-

13. 2's Favourite Band/Singer.
Lena – CHIPMUNKS :D! Naah, she’s pretty in love with a certain someone’s playlist. ;)

14. Would you date 4?
Shal – Yes, definitely. When I actually decide to date a girl.

15. Is 15 single?
Isaak – Good question.

16. 10's last name.
Ieka – Zazili.

17. Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
Miriam – Refer to question No. 14. :)

18. Which school does 18 go to?
Annie ­­– BBBS.

19. Where does 6 live?
Zhen – Opposite OU. Haha.

20. What's your favourite thing about 5?
Mingie ­­­- He's willing to waste credit on me. :)

21. One outstanding thing about 8.
Dannie ­– He has a non existent girlfriend and loves to go on dates with boyys. Oh, and he likes elephants with big ears and long trunks :D. (I just made you lose brownies points with your future girlfriends didn’t I?)

22. People I tag.
(insert names here)

And there you have it, now go outside, jump around, scream like a hooligan and proclaim your everlasting love to that bitch next door. Love much.

jue*blink and you miss it.

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