7th December 2008;
Truth be told, I'm the kind of person to only celebrate milestone birthdays in grand fashion. Otherwise, it's just a simple do with people I love. Since turning seventeen doesn't quite make the cut to be considered a 'milestone', I opted for a simple picnic with thirteen of my close friends.
How my hair was supposed to look like.
Before I arrived (I was only late by an hour and a half!)
Look how happy the Chinese boy is when he sees free food!
Berlykins - I really like this picture.
My Scapegoat.
Always thought there was something queer about him.
Camp Five <3.
Half of the Soul Sisters. HAHA!
Family :)
Sri Amanians.
Berl attempted to have an actual photo shoot.
My favourite shot of the both of us.
In true nature.
Na really wanted a balloon-face-balloon-face picture for some reason.
We assigned colours that felt most appropriate to those who weren't able to make it.
Blue - Bree, Green - Farah, Magenta (cause its the closest to red) - Mandy, Purple - Mei, Yellow - Lena.
This is my bestest best friend in the whole entire universe! Without her, this picnic would have been a disaster. I love you, best friend!
Class Five - See Bree! We didn't forget you (:
Even more random.
Ong Vern(hyphen)Ming.
I love bubbles!
Being bullied -_-.
The remaining ones.
Erm, yes, she is usually like this.
I love balloons!
Trio ♥
Phoebe, Monica, Rachel - My constants.
We later had a three car baby duck line all the way to downtown to join the Lapsap Bazaar at Palate Palette.
...and I bumped into Kubhandren! I can't thank you enough for doing what noone else could :)
My SS1 kaki.
I wouldn't say the day was perfect but it came pretty damn close :)
9th December 2008;
I sortakinda forgot to fix plans on my actual birthday. The two days prior to my birthday felt pretty anti-climatic, what after all the crazy picnic plans. Thankfully, the best friend is on her term break break so she took the liberty to accompany me doing absolutely...nothing. Good times :)
It was my first time ever that I had class on my birthday - not that I went for all of them. Went to college, dropped the cupcakes off with Suff, checked my university applications, went forty minutes late for Math and then skipped the rest of the classes.
Nique&I headed to Bangsar first before going all the way to Pyramid where we had good Japanese food and sat for hours (no, seriously) at Gloria Jean's.
Does she really need an introduction?
The view outside.
Made with love :)
Mango Smoothie & Hot Chocolate.
Watching him work :)
Sometime in the evening, Lal&Berl dropped by after attempts at a surprise - which needless to say, didn't quite work out.
Dinner was spent with the family at La Bodega BSC - just because I'm the birthday girl and I demanded asked politely for some Spanish cuisine (me love me Tapas!).
Spot the similarities #1.
Sasha&Shakeil Bashir :)
My (surprise) birthday cake, carrot cake from Alexis - my favourite!
La Familia.
Ohemgee! Look at those cheekbones.
Spot the similarities #2.
I crashed on my bed not long after opening the remainder of my presents.
Frank the Cheeky Chickey.
&&the gorgeous flowers from Berl&Lal!
Even though I didn't do much, I enjoyed the day. Only one of my four wishes - the craziest of them all - came true and honestly, that's pretty alright with me.
Maybe this is what it's like to turn a year older - to begin to realize what really is of importance, to appreciate the true beauty of things and to treasure each and every moment with those we love.
Or maybe this is just due to the lack of sleep.
Oh well, whatever it is, happy seventeenth to me.